Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Personalized Therapy Sessions

First, and foremost, as an exercise physiologist, educator and coach, my role has always been to help people to become the healthiest versions of themselves.  This means helping each person figure out what this means and helping them strive toward that goal.

This is no different in my role as a bodyworker.  When you walk in my studio door, you will be asked what your goal is for the session.  Sometimes the goals are short term, however, most have long term implications.  Following your session, we will check in as to how that goal was met and what this means for the future in terms of bodywork.  Clients also have access to me post sessions in the event they have questions - a perk most therapist avoid.

Most therapists would use this opportunity to book you right away for your next session or perhaps sell you a series of sessions.  This is where my approach is different.  I want you to know how your body feels and realize when it is ready for more bodywork (and before the need is great).  Being in tune with your body is key and is a sense that many people work hard to not feel.  I also respect where people are at financially.  Most people do not have discretionary money sitting around to be spent and that becomes even more challenging as people retire.  As we discuss your long term goals, we will keep all of this in mind and the decision will be up to you.  

What this boils down to is that each session is specific to you rather than a cookie cutter approach to bodywork.

That's it.  Have a great day!


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