Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Deep Tissue

May 18, 2018

Deep Tissue is somewhat of a sore subject with me.  All punning aside, there are rare moments when I recommend that someone receives deep tissue bodywork.  “But it feels so good”,  replies nearly every client who likes this form of bodywork.  I will agree.  If you like the feel of deep tissue, it is awesome.  Hewever, with most, if not all, of these clients, they need an entirely different form of bodywork - one that will actually address the issue as to why they need bodywork in the first place.  Unfortunately, deep tissue will not give them lasting results.

Clients who show up with pain, limited range of motion, stiffness and soreness, generally have something else going on that most likely involves the fascial tisure.  Fascia, in a nutshell, is incredibly strong connective tissue that is abundant in your body.  It’s literally everywhere: head to toe, just under the surface to deep within the body.  What is also unique about fascia is that one is connected throughout the body by the fascial web. Since fascia is so strong, it has a built in defense mechanism.  If it perceives that it will be injured (stretched to forcefully, for example), it will shut down.  Because of this, massage and deep tissue have very little impact on changing the fascia structure.  Enter in Myofascial Release (MFR).  I typically defined MFR to my first time clients as the complete opposite of massage/deep tissue but with far better results. A question I often ask them is would they rather be pain free for a few hours or for a longer period of time?  The answer is sort of a no-brainer.  Of course they would like to be pain free for a longer period of time.

Some clients fall head over heels in love with what they experience through MFR while a small number “just want to lay there and relax and feel good for the moment (just massage me...it feels better).  Again, we revisit what their goals are for the session (be pain free, have greater range of motion, less stiffness, etc)...but ultimately the decision is up to the client.

So, I ask of you, what are your goals?  Do you want to feel good for the moment or do you really want to work at living pain free, having a greater range of motion, and less stiffness?  The choice is yours to make. Having been a massage therapy for 10 years and an MFR therapist for over three years, I can tell you that I have seen almost unbelievable results with MFR that do not come close to equalling anything from the massage world.  It is literally my “go to” therapy and is highly recommended for my athletes.

So, don’t be surprised if you show up seeking deep tissue and I have a little talk about the benefits of MFR over deep tissue.  I want the best for you...but, alas, the ultimate decision is yours.

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